Sunday, June 30, 2013

Review: Sigma F80 Flat Top Synthetic Kabuki Brush

After using almost for 9months, here I am with the review of famous Sigma F80 Flat Top Synthetic Kabuki Brush, which is highly raved by the beauty gurus almost all over the world! If you want to know my verdict on it, then please keep reading.

The brush retails for USD 18 now, but as far as I remember when I bought it a year ago it was USD 16. It's available here!

This comes with a plastic cover for the bristles which I have lost fyi :P lol that explains me better!

The handle is sleek, black and very sturdy, not too long and some might find it a bit short for their palm. But I am absolutely fine with it and I feel it gives me more control while using the brush. The brush is made up of wood and the metallic ferrule is of high quality! On the metallic ferrule Sigma has their name signed on which I think is an absolute elegance (not visible in the photo though).

The thing that attracts me the most is the bristles of this brush is synthetic, that is cruelty free!

The bristles are super dense and super soft. It doesn't feel scratchy against the skin. I have never noticed any streaks or brush strokes after I applied any kind of product (starting from liquid to cream to powder) with this brush. It blends cream and liquid foundation like dream! and due to its dense bristle, the foundation is applied smoothly, just like I want it, either medium or full coverage. I haven't noticed a single shredding till date.

I even use it to apply powder foundation and get the maximum coverage when I use with it. One of my most favorite thing is I apply MAC MSFN with this brush and some MAC Fix+ and almost get a full coverage without using any foundation!

the only downside of this brush I found is that it takes a long time to dry. Since I am very much impatient, it's a downside for me.

I am very much pleased with this brush. It has become a staple in my brush collection.

I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a flat top kabuki brush.

Do you own this raved brush? How do you find it? Let me know in comments!

Love and respect,


  1. My F80 is coming today..:D can't wait to use it..thanks for this great review..:)

  2. Few days ago suddenly i feeling a problem about make brushe .I am always looking for a solution finally i find it this article

    sigma f80

  3. can u plz tell me where can i get sigma brushes in Bangladesh? i am in desperate need.

    1. look here
